As of 2023, Paris is an increasingly popular city to visit with millions of people from all around the globe flying in each year. We, therefore, know how important convenience is in a fast pace city in Paris. Also, we have struggled many times to find luggage storage solutions whilst travelling in Paris, we have analyzed ourselves the different left luggage facilities near busy locations. We have then realized that creating interactive printable maps was a very useful way to tackle this issue.
Thus, we have decided to help fellow travellers and we created a platform for anyone wanting to have a clear overview of the luggage storage solutions around a specific location in Paris.
Further, comparing prices and offers can be very time-consuming and more often than not, travelers looking to find a suitable safe luggage storage facility don’t have a lot of time to waste browsing.
As you can read in the above – our guides include:
- Interactive map with the location
- Trusted luggage storage service providers
- Which stores provide in booking meaning you do not have to book in advance
- General and relevant knowledge about each location in Paris.
All our content is updated for 2023 and we are updating everything on a monthly basis to make sure we only show you the newest content. Yet, we would love your feedback anytime for improvements to our site. So please just reach out by emailing us here.
If you are heading to New York City or London in the near future, make sure to check out our guides on
- New York city guide: How to find luggage storage around NYC.
- London city guide: How to find luggage storage in London.